less bloated, less tired, better complexion, etc.). These days, I feel much more like myself and my body actually feels better too (i.e. So now, I let myself enjoy a cookie once a week. Looking at myself in the mirror (figuratively and literally), I knew I had to stop snacking on cookies 7 days a week. It’s about being honest with yourself and finding a balance that works for you and your body. At least for me, that would be impossible (I love cakes and cookies way too much). Just to be clear, I’m not saying no junk food ever. I’ve also been trying to work out regularly and journaling to deal with my anxiety in healthier ways, which helps tremendously with the emotional side of my eating. I began actively replacing junk foods with healthy snacks, and it’s been a real game-changer. Since I started snacking smarter, I’ve lost most of the weight I’ve gained in 2020 already. I knew I needed to do something different I needed to start taking charge of my diet and my body. To say I was upset by what happened would be a huge understatement (I couldn’t even continue “date night” that evening), but if I’m being honest with myself, it was also the wake up call I needed. The day I couldn’t button my jeans came and went, but then I ripped a dress sitting down during an “at-home date night” with the hubby. My body felt increasingly off with all the bad foods I was putting into it. While I understand my absolute weight is still at a healthy level, what wasn’t healthy was how quickly I gained almost 10% of my body weight. I quickly gained 10 pounds, going from my normal 110 to 120 pounds. With my normal routine thrown off and anxiety at an all-time high, I comforted myself with lots of junk food and unhealthy snacking. I saw the worse of my eating habits come to life last year during the pandemic. When I feel accomplished (like after finishing writing a blog post), which can also be quite often because I’m a workaholic… I also reach for food.

When I’m stressed, which I am a lot because I’m a workaholic, I reach for food. I’m quite the bad stress and reward eater. It’s not a disastrous relationship, but it’s also not the best. The truth is, I don’t have the best relationship with food.